Dec 31, 2014

The Story Behind the Logo

I often wonder how businesses come up with their names and logo.  It is such a personal story that reflects a single moment in time. Today, Art with Jenny K has this great linky where we are sharing those moments, those stories behind the logo. Meet fabulous teachers by going behind the scenes of where it all started.

Two years ago my logo looked a lot different, I was just starting out on TPT and had my name as Mamato4liltots. I drew the image to symbolize my four little tots, three sons and one daughter. They have my heart. So this logo represents that. At that time my oldest insisted he was not a tot anymore. He was 7 that year, he was right. I racked my brain for a new name and logo.

My little ones love long car rides. They each have mini backpack where they shove everything they want to bring to entertain themselves in the car. We go through a lot of them since they overload them and they tear and break. My daughter would bring her all her art supplies if it fit in her bag. 

We are traveling on the highway and they have notebooks where they do schoolwork, draw, play those travel mini games and as we are driving it happened I realized we were The Education Highway. 

Recently, I have changed my logo to this one below. The little avatar is so me with brown hair and glasses and I love those brown boots. And turquoise is my favorite color so it works for me. It is very much a life lesson as well. I know that wherever the road leads us, we are learning. With each bump in the road we are traveling it together no matter where we go in distance. When we come to our destination we stop and enjoy the adventure. Then turn around, all roads lead home.

To join this linky stop by Jenny's post and download the template then add your blog post about your logo. Share your story behind the logo.

Tell us the story behind your Teachers Pay Teachers or Blog logo!

(Cannot add links. Registration/trial expired)
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Dec 27, 2014

Fun Kid Friendly New Years Eve

Bring out the party hats, time to celebrate the beginning of a new year. Celebrating with little ones to bring in the new year is fabulous with a little bit of planning, you can make it a night to remember. I am hosting a linky with Munchkins and Moms, Early Learning Mom, and Sunshine Whispers. These moms have great ideas for partying with little ones from time capsules to board games. 

Counting down to the New Year

Happy New Year!

Celebrate New Years with your little ones. Check out these fun activites to do with your families.

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

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Dec 25, 2014

Twas the Night Before Christmas

I went shopping last night or rather super really this morning, you have to love how some stores stay open for us last minute shoppers and I was thinking about all the blessing I have this season. It is the night before Christmas, my heart is overfilled with joy and the only place I can think of to share is here with all of you. 
Decorating the tree is always a favorite thing around here. We turn up the Christmas music and add all our collections from the past years. Here are my sweet little ones adding the last few ornaments on the tree. They are reason for being. I was meant to be their mom. 

What is your favorite Christmas song? My four year's song goes a little something like this...

Jin-gle bells, jin-gle bells,
Mer-ry Chr-is-tmas,
fa lala lala lala
To-mor-row, to-mor row,
I love you, to-mor-row

(cue in clapping folks) 

We were watching the movie Annie, so I guess he picked up a part of it. We still need some practice with our holiday songs. He is super cute when he sings it just like that probably 100 times or so a day.

It is my daughter's birthday. She turns 8 today. Eight years have passed by much to fast. She has three brothers who spoil her, play with her. I love seeing their friendship grow. She loves dressing up and painting her nails. Her newest thing is straightening her very curly hair. She loves this new look. Occasionally, I even let her wear colored lip gloss. Something so simple yet she makes such a fuss about it. In this picture with her hair straight  it is the same sweet expression from when she was a toddler. I caught myself thinking about her 8 years from today at 16. This little girl is growing up, I wish she'd stop that. (yea I guess that is not going to happen lol) Focusing on the right now.
 Happy Birthday my sweet darling girl!

This year I have had the pleasure of blogging with the wonderful ladies from The Teaching 2 Step. They are teachers who inspire a love of learning in their students. We created a blog where we share our teaching ideas, tips, share freebies, and provide information about lessons that others would love to use in their classroom. Collaborating with them has been a blessing. I am looking forward to a new year. Recently, we wrote a blog about all about our favorite thing during Christmas, we would love it for you to stop by and meet The Teaching 2 Step Gals.

It is here. My gift to you. Check your TPT inbox for the link to download this resource only available for free my TPT followers. Hope you love it. Thank you so very much, you are appreciated. Have a wonderful Christmas.

Sneak Peak of what to expect in your TPT inbox.  
Follow my TPT store to receive this product for free.

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Dec 22, 2014

Markdown Monday Linky TPT Store Sale

Happy Monday friends! Kelly and Kim's Kindergarten Kreations is hosting Markdown Monday. It is a linky where you get to find TPT sellers who have products on sale. You find this information first, right here.

Save 20% off this Week
The Education Highway will be having its entire store 20 percent off  Plus, I am currently having a BOGO Sale. When you purchase a product email me at to  request your free product and I will email it to. Our store offers resources for students in primary grades. Find morning math units for first and second graders under five dollars. Fabulous deals for teachers that are always on the nice list. You can also download freebies that work for any year around lessons.

Now head back to Kelly and Kim's Kindergarten Kreations to see more products on sale.

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Dec 15, 2014

Christmas Giveaway! Win an Amazon Gift Card Valued at $65

Spreading the Christmas spirit of giving, a few of your favorite TpT sellers are gifting YOU an amazon gift card valued at $65.00. Of course first you have to enter the giveaway then win. Someone is going to be getting some last minute holiday shopping, it could be you. This giveaway is hosted by Monica at NC Teacher Chick. It begins December 16 at midnight and continues till Saturday December 20th. You can enter below. 

Visit my TpT shop for a Christmas BOGO Sale. When you buy 1 product you get 1 product for free. Simply email me at with your name, purchase order number, and your product choice. 

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Dec 11, 2014

Holiday Pin-spiration TPT Linky Party Day 4

The Education Highway is hosting a Holiday Pin-spiration Linky Party. Today is day 4 of the virtual party. Everyday this week I will be featuring 10 teachers who are Pinterest. All teachers featured this week have Teacher's Pay Teachers stores. There are so many boards on Pinterest to discover. Sit back with your mug of hot coco and discover teachers who create curriculum and always have great teaching ideas. Happy Pinning!

The Education Highway
Visit The Education Highway on Pinterest.
Thursday's 10 Featured Teachers
Stop by tomorrow to see more featured teachers

Visit Chalk and Apples on Pinterest. Visit Sara Snippets on Pinterest. Visit Teacher Treasure Hunter on Pinterest. Visit Tech Crazy Teacher on Pinterest. Visit Second Grade is out of this World on Pinterest. Visit Top Notch Teacher on Pinterest. Visit Keeping up with Mrs. Harris on Pinterest. Visit Created by Mr. Hughes on Pinterest. Visit Happy Edugator on Pinterest. Visit The Reading Bungalow on Pinterest.

get the InLinkz code
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Dec 10, 2014

Holiday Pin-spiration TPT Linky Party Day 3

The Education Highway is hosting a Holiday Pin-spiration Linky Party. Today is day 3 of the virtual party. Everyday this week I will be featuring 10 teachers who are Pinterest. All teachers featured this week have Teacher's Pay Teachers stores. There are so many boards on Pinterest to discover. I wanted to throw this party and invite you to sit back with your mug of hot coco and discover teachers who create curriculum and always have great teaching ideas. Happy Pinning!

Wednesday's 10 Featured Teachers
Stop by tomorrow to see more featured teachers

Visit Brain Wave Instruction on Pinterest. Visit Secondary Strategies on Pinterest. Visit Reading and Writing Redhead on Pinterest. Visit Momma with a Teaching Mission on Pinterest. Visit Smiling in Second on Pinterest. Visit My Kinder Garden on Pinterest. Visit Christine Maxwell on Pinterest. Visit Burkes Special Kids on Pinterest. Visit Free Your Heart Graphics on Pinterest. Visit History Gal on Pinterest.

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Dec 9, 2014

Holiday Pin-spiration TPT Linky Party Day 2

The Education Highway is hosting a Holiday Pin-spiration Linky Party. Today is day 2 of the virtual party. Everyday this week I will be featuring 10 teachers who are Pinterest. All teachers featured this week have Teacher's Pay Teachers stores. 
There are so many boards on Pinterest to discover. Sit back with your mug of hot coco and discover great holiday pins. Happy Pinning!

Visit The Education Highway on Pinterest
Visit The Education Highway on Pinterest.

Tuesday's 10 Featured Teachers
Stop by tomorrow to see more featured teachers

Visit Love Teaching Kids on Pinterest. Visit Literacy Sherri on Pinterest. Visit Elementary Matters on Pinterest. Visit Dirt Road Teacher on Pinterest. Visit Teaching Momster on Pinterest. Visit Comprehension Connection on Pinterest. Visit Camping Teacher on Pinterest. Visit The Teacher's Post on Pinterest. Visit Miss V's Busy Bees on Pinterest. Visit A Place to Learn on Pinterest.

Tuesday's Pins are all about Gingerbread Men.

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Dec 8, 2014

Holiday Pin-spiration TPT Linky Party

It's the most wonderful time of the year! The Education Highway is hosting a Holiday Pin-spiration Linky Party. Everyday this week I will be featuring 10 teachers who are Pinterest. All teachers featured this week have Teacher's Pay Teachers stores. The Education Highway is hosting a Holiday Pin-spiration Linky Party. Today is day 2 of the virtual party. Everyday this week I will be featuring 10 teachers who are Pinterest. All teachers featured this week have Teacher's Pay Teachers stores. 
There are so many boards on Pinterest to discover. Sit back with your mug of hot coco and discover great holiday pins. Happy Pinning!

Visit The Education Highway on Pinterest Visit The Education Highway on Pinterest.

Monday's 10 Featured Teachers,
 stop by tomorrow to see more featured teachers

Visit Art with Jenny K on Pinterest. Visit Teaching with a Twist on Pinterest. Visit Smarticle Particles on Pinterest. Visit Daisy Designs on Pinterest. Visit Teachering on Pinterest. Visit I Love First Grade on Pinterest. Visit Countless Smart Cookies on Pinterest. Visit Brain Domain Kids on Pinterest. Visit Watson Works on Pinterest. Visit Teacher Ms H on Pinterest.

All week long teachers from Teachers Pay Teachers will be sharing their favorite holiday pins. 
Monday: Share 3 Christmas Pinterest links. Link products, ideas, and freebies.

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.
get the InLinkz code

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Dec 6, 2014

Nerd Libs Linky and a Virtual Party

You are going to love this NEW weekly linky with Mel and Gerdy. Get your nerd on with this fun twist on Mad Libs. We all have those days where we would rather stay in our nice cozy beds, even if its for an extra ten minutes. Are you you a morning person, or do you press the snooze button a few times? While you are thinking about it read on and get a giggle out of The Dawn of the Saturday Nerd Libs.

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Dec 3, 2014

Show us what you Bought TPT Linky

The TPT Cyber Sale is over and we would love to see what was in your shopping cart. Show us what you bought is a Blog Hoppin' Linky. Head over there to see MORE great buys from TPT authors.

I can't wait to start using these font sets I purchased during the TPT Cyber Sale. They are perfect for creating any resource. 

Have you seen Educlips backgrounds? We do not get snow here in North Carolina. In fact my youngest son, he is four has never seen snow. Since I grew up in NJ, that is weird right? Never had to buy him snow boots lol. Anyway, I intend to create some fun preschool games with these. Then, the adorable elves I just had to have, simply because I didn't already have them. (can you say clip art addict...guilty) 

Next up is Creative Clips, I have a growing collection too. She just keeps creating these awesome sets and how can you say no to such cuteness! Trust me, you do not want to miss adding this to your collection. Check out the adorable kids all bundles up for winter. 

Last purchase was from Mad Clips Factory. They have lots of fun borders, frames, and dividers. I love this unique border with the rounders for the rectangle frames. It gives the page a simple feel yet it makes the page pop at the same time. Something different and fun to work with.

To find these products you can click the links below and visit their TPT stores. Some of these products are still on sale so check them out. To read more about more great finds visit Blog Hoppin

Fonts Created by

Clip Art Created by

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